We inspect our hives regulalrly but, for some people, it can be an intimidating time to check for Varroa, nosema, chalk brood and some nastier diseases and pests. Similarly, a count of brood (eggs, larvae, sealed brood, drone mix, queen status (if found), colour assessment, calmness and temperament will also be done and recorded.
Some suggestions or recommendations can be made depending upon what is found. Please note that this is not a PASS/FAIL test. We don't judge your beekeeping skills or prowess - we just want bees to be in the best possible health and for the keepers to be aware of any issues or options to be considered.
There are some notifiable diseases which HAVE to be reported if they are found. These are rare but it is important to check.
Treatments for Varroa control are important for your colony and other colonies in your area. We bulk buy our treatments and can offer to do preventive or curative treatments depending upon your needs and preferences.