Hire a Hive

The simplest way to get into beekeeping!


A hive can fit into the smallest of places in a garden, creating a wonderful focal point and an amazing amount of interest from friends, family and neighbours.

Hiring a hive makes a declaration that you are helping the honey bee population as well as increasing local flower, fruit and tree pollination.


We have a choice of hives in a choice of colours to paint them.


We will visit the hive at least four times a year to assist the bees (and you!) to grow the colony and to produce some honey from your own garden for you to keep and enjoy.



Prices range between £40 and £60 a month depending upon type of hive and your location.


Detailed notes

  • Minimum rental period is 12 months.
  • You will receive any honey yield obtained except for the sticky remains of the extraction process.
  • Hive and bee treatments included in hire price.


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