Bees In our Community: a passion for pollination and proliferation

Bees In Our Community was formed to help people get in touch with honeybees. 

Bees are a form of livestock and need some support and care to survive and prosper. With diseases and parasites from abroad and some very potent chemicals in use in our environment, the honeybees could use a little more assistance from people who want to make a difference to the world.


Getting started in beekeeping is a bit of a challenge:

  • So many options on hive types, bee types and the like
  • Individuals and companies want to support bees but don't have the skills and resources to look after everything themselves
  • Bees are not tame. They will not generally sting but they are always busy trying to look after the colony 
  • There's a lot of specialist kit needed and it needs looking after


We aim to give people a 'soft start' to beekeeping with options and opportunities to get involved and immersed as little or as far as you wish into the wonderful world of bees.



Our winning formula:

  • customer proximity: we mainly support beekeeping in Chesire and the surrounding counties but can travel further if required
  • expertise: our staff are experienced beekeepers and up to date with the latest techniques and technical developments in beekeeping.
  • flexibility: we are open to requests and proposals from our clients and can agree to bespoke products and services as well as individual management proposals.
  • transparency: trust comes from working together. It is also the result of openly communicating everything we do and trying to make it a success for the bees, you and us.
  • environmental awareness: we build most of our own equipment and support natural bee behaviours and conditions.
  • security: in the interests of your security and ours, we are fully insured, protecting against the main concerns and impact of beekeeping

We are also keen to demonstrate the quality of our professional administration. We would be very pleased to meet you in person for a no-obligation appointment and hive site review.

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