Support the Bees

Bees In Our Community (BIOC) is aimed at increasing the number of beekeepers and honeybee colonies in the community. You can sponsor, hire or purchase a hive to support bees.

Become a Beekeeper

Becoming a beekeeper can be perplexing initially. We provide an easy route into the wonderful world of beekeeping to a level that suits you best. We want you to succeed.

Learn about Bees

Bees In Our Community (BIOC) has a growing free resources section. Did you know that, apart from people, bees have had more written about them than any other animal on earth!

How Bees In Our Community works........

Everything you need to gently ease into the wonderful world of beekeeping to whatever level you wish

Purchase a Hive

The ultimate step! A soft launch into hive ownership, equipment purchasing, inspections and care of these wonderful creatures. A perfect gift for you and the bees.

Hire a Hive

To have a beehive (or two!) in your garden is a wonderful connection with nature. Hiring a hive allows this without the risk and issues of ownership.

Sponsor a Hive

You can play your part to help honey bees by sponsoring part or all of a beehive. Keep up to date on events, achievements and issues on your hive.

Entering the wonderful world of beekeeping is now easier.....

We aim to provide a high-quality level of bee, beehive, service and suppport to you, bees and the beekeeping community. Centred in Cheshire, and stretching out to neighbouring counties, Bees In Our Community gives people new, involved or retiring from beekeeping options to help protect and nurture these really wonderful creatures. Options range from gift vouchers to sponsor a hive, getting updates and even some honey (depending upon level of sponsorship) to a hive located at your home or place of work either on a 'hire' basis or a 'lease-purchase' basis. Essential help in buying bees, equipment and doing those all-important inspections is all part of the service offering.

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© Bees In Our Community 2024. We want to share but please either acknowledge this source or be tactful about blatant copying for personal gain.